

Vol.2 No.2 ---------------- MARCH 1991 ------------------- BUD KAUTZ, EDITOR


Wm. "Bud" Kdutz
34782 Hiawatha Trail
McHcnry, 1L 60050


Re February 1991 news Setter please note following corrections, I goofed.

Should read Baer Field NOT Smith Field.

Jim Frieden's telephone number is (219) 352-2425 and they
celebrated their 44th anniversary.

Jean and I met with the Friedens over the March 1st - 3rd weekend at
Don Hall's Guesthouse and noted the politeness and friendly attitude
of the employees at the hotel. Fort Wayne has certainly grown since our
last visit there about 10 or 12 years ago.

Have located another former crew member (PIankowner)

""Elliott T. "Capt" Pilchard CQM
1950 Ginger St. #61

Oxnard, CA 93030
(805) 983-1584

Mrs. Martin J. Rezza
4019 Cardenas
New Orleans, LA 70127

**0tto Walker
P 0 Box 31
Bim, WV 25201

Harley Hughes

James Frieden RM2c
Joseph Freitas S1c

Please make above additions and changes.

**Congratulations on your

* Will attend our reunion. He is the author of 147 books as of Feb. 1980.

Enclosed are a biographical data sheet and a registration form. Fill out
the B sheet and return to me (Bud) they will be put into a loose leaf
binder (or something similar) and offer it to anyone interested in purchasing
one. The cost will be minimal. The registration form should be returned
to Jim Frieden as soon as possible. It will make it much easier in planning
the reunion.

Don't forget the silent auction and recipes for the Lowndes cookbook.

(Mall this form to Jim Frieden as soon as possible)

James Frieden
P. 0. Box 307
Silver Lake, IN 46982

(I do) (I do not) plan to attend the 3rd USS Lowndes (APA-154) reunion in Fort Wayne, IN
on June 20- 23, 1991.




TeI ephone:___(___)________________

We are interested in the following:

Auburn/Cord/Dusenberg Museum tour:_______________

As stated in a previous news letter, our "FOURTH ANNUAL USS LOWNDES
REUNION" will be held in Harrisburg, PA - June 25th thru June 28th,1992.
Our hosts will be Bill & Amelia Taylor. See page 2 for details. For your
convenience registration cards are enclosed. Anyone arriving in RV
vehicles, there is space available in the parking lot. No hook ups.
Harrisburg East Campground is located approximately 1 mile from the
Marriott. Full service facilities for motor homes & campers. A 15% discount
will be given to USS Lowndes personnel. Phone (717)939-4331.

I contacted the postmasters in Nebraska City, NE & Pueblo, CO in an effort
to locate relatives of Norman Richards & Donald Bowman. Did locate Mrs.
Dorothy Haling (Don's Sister) & Mrs. Florence Richards (Norman's Mother)

and she is a very charming person judging from the letters I have received
from her. She also gave me the addresses of her 3 children plus Fred
address and through Fred's endeavors we were able to locate
Mrs, Haling. They have all been contacted and brought up to date with
past issues of news letters, Clark Martin has been in touch with the
Nimitz Museum and they suggest an earlier installation then 1995 for the
proposed memorial plaque. Will have to finalize the motion at our business
meeting in Harrisburg.

One thing that's really good about
procrastination is that you always
have something planned for tomorrow.

I have, once more, asked Agnes Bensie - CEO of the Lowndes Lovelies to
take charge of the auction this year.It was a great success last year
so let's get humpin' and make this year's better. If unable to attend
the reunion, send items to Agnes or me (Bud) and we will see that they
get to Harrisburg.

We are still looking for those favorite recipes to get the Lowndes cook--
book on the road. How about it?

Hey! What is a 4-point Buck Farrow Hog? That's what John Jurica bagged
plus a coyote.

Answer to riddle in last news letter - "Nothing"

As curator of the Ventura County Maritime Museum I want to thank you
(E. Pilchard) for your generosity in sharing the two volumn history of
the USS Lowndes. It will be assigned to a place in our research

Richard W. Cunningham
Ventura County Maritime Museum
Oxnard, CA

Changing times: During the Gulf War 36 female sailors aboard the USS Acadia
Became pregnant, resulting in the ship being dubbed "The
Love Boat"

Clark Martin informs us that Bill Malloy, prior to WWII used to sneak
swims with the dolphins and has dubbed him Flipper.

Otto Walker says"Since all of his kids went to college he has to leave
the room, I'm not smart enough to converse with them"

State of W VA gave Otto and 110 veterans in the state free license
plates with the Pearl Harbor logo on them.

Congress has authorized a special medal to be given to Pearl Harbor